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love it!

Proving once again that fact can be funnier than fiction!

Okay, it's not a "fact" per se, but c'mon, there's something really robotic and icy about the dude. Like he needs the blood of the innocent to sustain his life force...and an electronic ticker...much like a certain Sith overlord who shall remain nameless! I like the pic w/him cuddling up to Sen. Reid; after the "go f*ck yourself" statement, I think "New Ticker Cheney" would love to kiss and make up w/members of the Democratic Party!

New Heart Device Allows Cheney To Experience Love

The Onion

New Heart Device Allows Cheney To Experience Love

WASHINGTON, DC —"He broke free from the straps that secured him to the bed as he normally does after heart surgery. But then he hugged me," Cheney's cardiologist said.


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