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Showing posts from September, 2005


Oh happiest of days!!! The 'Skins won! The 'Skins won! Now "24" getting snubbed by the Emmys doesn't seem so bad... ...unless you're a fan of "24" AND the Dallas Cowboys...then your week sucks...

Emmy Ultimatum

Why? Why? Why? What has Keifer Sutherland done to you, Emmys? Huh? Geez, what do they have to do to get your attention, take on aliens? I mean, c'mon, throw us a freakin' bone!!! Anything would've been acceptable. Anything! Best hair-do? Best cutticles? Best sock-puppet? If "24" were a beautiful woman, you could've at least bought her dinner first. Next year, the final season of "Six Feet Under" will be up for several Emmys. Including best drama. Please don't screw this up, Emmy...or we're through.