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So the morning started off cool enough. A little on the nippy side I thought to myself, but the day is still young, it should warm up to a nice 68 degrees and everything will be copasetic. Right?

Hell's no!

I went out @ 2:30PM to drop off a package, walk to Quiznos for a sub and engage in a spot o' afternoon culture:

But after I walked two or three blocks I noticed something; I'm sweating my a** off! I found myself running from shaded area to shaded area trying to keep cool and dry...but to no avail. I can sweat @ the drop of a hat and I usually need a large squeegee to render myself dry.

Yeah, I know, TMI.

After just 15 minutes I already missed the cool, AC controlled office I so willingly walked out of to take a break from work. After several more blocks, I finally made it to the
Corcoran spot o' culture was gone! I had to move quickly, if not, I was going to become the new spot o' culture...a bubbling chocolate puddle on the concrete.

My spot o' culture will have to wait for another time.


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