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Resolution, interrupted

logorrhea: log·or·rhea variant: or chiefly British log·or·rhoea /"log-&-'rE-&, "läg-/ Function: noun:

pathologically excessive and often incoherent talkativeness or wordiness that is characteristic especially of the manic phase of manic-depressive disorders

—log·or·rhe·ic or chiefly British log·or·rhoe·ic /-'rE-ik/ adjective

For a few years now, I've been telling people that I know that I don't do New Years Resolutions. It just seems like a waste of time and energy to me. Walk w/me for a bit.

It's December 26th, you've finally decided on a New Years Resolution, you plot and plan and scheme and come up w/an excellent way to achieve your goal. You tell everyone that you know and they tell you theirs. New Years arrives and you're STOKED!!! You're ready! You're a barbarian @ the gate and you're ready to storm the freakin' castle! And, for the first week, you do; you may even go the entire month! But, by the time Valentine's day rolls around, your old habit has grabbed you by the throat, thrown you against the wall and (@#%^&^*%%%*&&&!!!) your New Years Resolution...well! And, by that time, you're glad 'cause you were miserable; trying to force yourself to change when you aren't ready has NEVER worked! Ever! And this happens every year. Year in and year out, time after time, and every December 26th or so, you do the exact same thing.

And this year, I thought I could buck the system and set a resolution that works!

Ha! All I wanted to do is shut my mouth and learn something for a change. I really hate the way that I speak out of turn and cut people off when they're trying to make a point. I thought that this year, I could do it! I could make a change and maybe even make another! Again I say...


So, here I sit, not even 7 days into the new year and I can't shut my mouth for trying.

They have things you can take for diarrhea, but what do you take for acute logorrhea???

Practice! Patience! Persistence!

Then, perfection! Yeah.


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