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Game night...

...will not take place tonight. The DM (Dungeon Master) has to stay late @ work, so the game's been scraped for this week. For those of you who aren't in the know (or have a life), the Dungeon Master is the dude who describes our current situation, what we must do to complete our mission, how much gold we've found, who we're encountering and, depending on the nature of these beings, determines if we need to pump them for information or pump them full of arrow bolts and magic missiles. Without getting too far into it, it's role playing. Normally, it's done by teenagers...from the eighties! Today, kids still role play, but they do it online or on their gaming consoles. We're the last of a dying breed; 30+ grown men who congregate in someone's basement, role 6, 8, or 20 sided dice, and pretend to be a rag tag bunch of thieves, warriors and sorcerers (of varying racial backgrounds such as human, elf and dwarf), who've banded together to stop a cult hell bent on the destruction of Eberron...

Oh like your hobbies are any better!


Anonymous said…
No fair, I want to play!


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