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Give Thanks To Your Wonkette Pals, With Recipes!

It's a time to be thankful for the things that I have rather than complain about the things that I don't! With that being said...I'm thankful that WE HAVE A NEW PRESIDENT!!! Next year, photos like this will be a thing of the past. Also, it's a time to send our prayers out to those who don't have it so good. Like our troops (and innocent civilians) in Iraq and Afghanistan. Also, to our troops in S. Korea and Germany. Also, let us keep the victims of this recent terrorist attack in India in our thoughts and prayers as well.

Have a happy and reflective Thanksgiving!

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via Wonkette: The D.C. Gossip by Ken Layne on 11/26/08

Have some pecked cock d' bush!
While Barack Obama appoints Mr. Peabody as the Secretary of Science or whatever and no other news happens except the usual daily rain of Great Big Depression statistics, let's give THX for whatever it is that didn't go terribly wrong this year (the election, for example!) by sharing our favorite T-day food, beverage and dessert recipes right here, in the comments!

Things you can do from here:


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