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Damn.     Sent to you by tony via Google Reader:     R.I.P. Etta James Dead At 73, Loses Battle With Leukemia via Bossip by Bossip Staff on 1/20/12 R.I.P. Etta James, whose assertive, earthy voice lit up such hits as "The Wallflower," "Something's Got a Hold on Me" and the wedding favorite "At Last," has died, according to her longtime friend and manager, Lupe De Leon. She was 73. She died from complications from leukemia with her husband, Artis Mills, and her sons by her side, De Leon said. She was diagnosed with leukemia in 2010, and also suffered from dementia and hepatitis C. James died at a hospital in Riverside, California. She would have turned 74 Wednesday. " This is a tremendous loss for the family, her friends and fans around the world," De Leon said. "She was a true original who could sing it all — her music defied category. More On Bossip! Twit Pics Of The Day: Rihanna Toots That Thang Up In A White Bikini An...

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