The only thing good about this week is that it's over! It wasn't the worst week I'd ever had, it just dragged on and on and on w/no real ending in sight. I'm responsible for handling the bank deposits for a new organization that I work for and they are being bombarded by donations...that they need copied in triplicate...and processed into an Excel Spreadsheet. Fun times, fun times...To make matters worst, today was the day of the building-wide pumpkin contest. Our office had a pretty pumpkin. Very thick and health lookin'; really beautiful for a squash...
What a shame!
I only had kitchen knives to work with.
In the end, our pumpkin looked like someone had given very sharp utensils to a small child. A blind small child.
And after two hours of nearly cutting into my own flesh, assorted jeers and sneers from my co-workers (naturally, nary a one helped me out, the bums.) and my boss inquiring about how I would bill my time feeling a squash for the flattest area and then cutting jagged, unrecognizable shapes into it, I finally finished it and submitted it to the judges in the downstairs lobby. I wouldn't say that they were nicer than my co-workers; they were nice the way you'd be nice to friend of a friend you've never met before. Polite. Respectful. Stand-offish. Cautious. Then I proceeded to light the candle inside of the pumpkin w/a napkin.
It's a good thing pumpkins aren't flammable.
What a shame!
I only had kitchen knives to work with.
In the end, our pumpkin looked like someone had given very sharp utensils to a small child. A blind small child.
And after two hours of nearly cutting into my own flesh, assorted jeers and sneers from my co-workers (naturally, nary a one helped me out, the bums.) and my boss inquiring about how I would bill my time feeling a squash for the flattest area and then cutting jagged, unrecognizable shapes into it, I finally finished it and submitted it to the judges in the downstairs lobby. I wouldn't say that they were nicer than my co-workers; they were nice the way you'd be nice to friend of a friend you've never met before. Polite. Respectful. Stand-offish. Cautious. Then I proceeded to light the candle inside of the pumpkin w/a napkin.
It's a good thing pumpkins aren't flammable.