Lost my driver's license. Fun, fun, fun. Then, I took time out to beat myself up; how could I've been so careless? After a few hours, I think about something else. I know it's wasted energy, but sometimes I can't help myself! And, the internal dialogue is actually internal pictures of me getting carded and leaving it somewhere; not really drunk but just inebriated enough to forget to ask for it back. How much energy is wasted on a re-enactment that may not be accurate? Got to be more careful w/my time, it's precious. Still it's hard to let it go! I can just see myself on the bus, head bowed, eyelids draped, mouth slack-jawed, internal imagery just punishing my psyche again, again, again...
Sh*t I did it again...
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Sh*t I did it again...
You can either visit this URL or visit it through Amazon. After you visit through Amazon, you'll get 1.57% off your purchases. It's not much, but every little bit counts.