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Pretty black and blue!

I've always liked this game but I was never able to play it. Partly because money was tight, but also because I'm complete rubbish at it! I mean, they added aerial attacks and several different fighting systems within the game. It's like a thousand and one ways to get my a$$-kicked! And for the first time, I'm going to admit to you and the other guy that reads this blog the secret of my success.

I only use two buttons when I play Street Fighter; I'm average at best!

Most of the time, I'd make my way toward the game (at the arcade. Sad really, now when I stop by Time Out, I can actually stand in the middle of the arcade, stretch my arms out like an eagle and spin in a circle, touching nary a nerd, geek or spazz), meet the throngs of onlookers that are in front of me and behind the two players duking it out, peak through the gaps of the audience members and drool at the gameplay. Aesthetically speaking, it's always been a pretty game and I'm a huge fan of both franchises!

Chances are, I'll buy this game.

I'll play this game online and get my head handed to me for hours on end by some C-average 15- year old.

Ah, such is life.

Sent to you by tony via Google Reader:

via Kotaku by Brian Crecente on 4/27/09

It's been rumored. It's been practically verified. Now it's announced: Marvel VS Capcom 2 will be coming to the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 this summer with a new visual filter and online matching modes.

The game, which was developed for the PS3 and 360 by Foundation 9 and is based on the Dreamcast code, will sell on the Playstation Network Store for $15 and on Xbox Live for 1,200 Microsoft Points.

During their event in Monte Carlo last week, Capcom said that a demo of the game will be coming to the Playstation Network on April 30 in North America and shortly thereafter in the UK. No demo for the 360 was announced.

It features an optional visual filter that smooths out the game's graphics and new online modes, including Ranked Matches and the Quarter matches found in Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix, which allows up to four people to watch and chat while two others fight. It also features widescreen support with the gameplay in a 4:3 field, but the viewing area expanded.

The best part? No unlockables in the game. All 56 characters are accessible from the get go.

The original, and this latest version, features brawlers from the Capcom and Marvel universes. It also features 3 on 3 tag-teammatches and four button controls.

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