So it's finally here. Flowers are in full bloom, the birds are singing, and DC is a cacophony of crying babies, warn out parents and lost people who can't read a map. That's right, it's tourist season! Welcome tourist! Woo-Hoo!!! Your awesome... When are you leaving? Seriously, I've spent the majority of my life here and I've NEVER understood the appeal of this place. I mean, unless you're into history or antiquing, there's not a ton of stuff to do, except look @ other stuff. The museums, the monuments, the exact historical spot where George Washington tripped, fell and accidentally groped a squirrel; it's all here! Yes, it's a cherry blossom, yes they're from Japan, yes they're here for a short amount of time. And they'll be here next year too! If you're into those kind of things, ooooookay! But for the rest of you... Really? Yes, yes I know you've never been anywhere outside of your state. Great! But, there are li...