So yesterday afternoon, Firefox refused to stay open longer than a few minutes before shutting down. At first, I paid it no mind, but then I figured, what the hey, I'll just run Spybot before I go home tonight and see what it says. This morning when I arrived, 23 windows were open and all were essentially saying the same thing: something very bad has wormed it's way onto my machine! Fun! I've spent the morning catching up on work that does not require net access as my network administrator has ordered me to unplug from the network; I'm currently typing this message in notepad which has just been copied and pasted into this entry!
In the mean time, in-between-time, I have this moment to clean up my area, look productive and reflect on how wired we all are as a nation/continent/hemisphere/world; I know that this topic has been bandied about for a few years now, but I can't help but wonder how malleable the mind is in relation to time spent on the net. I'm so involved when I'm on the net that I never noticed how time can slow down to a near stand still. Or maybe I do which is why I spend so much time on the net. I any case, I think it would be best if I spent a little less time plugged in and a little bit more time trying to get a life.
Yeah right.
The net's a cruel and demanding mistress. I think I should strive for finding some type of semblance of a life, but as of right now, I'm one viral video away from not being able to account for hours I've lost surfing the net. It's a long hard road that I'm thinking about embarking upon; what will I do in my spare time? What if someone needs to get in touch w/me instantly? What if someone somewhere is doing something stupid and I need to see it right away? I'm sure I'll cope. I'm not saying that I'm going to quit cold turkey, but this is something to definitely consider.
On a totally separate but timely topic, I've picked up a copy of "The Persuasions Sing U2"; I've yet to regret it! Their a capella stylings of U2 hits have turned a would-be crappy morning into something halfway decent!