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Showing posts from 2007

I'm a Scooter!!!

You Are Scooter Brainy and knowledgable, you are the perfect sidekick. You're always willing to lend a helping hand. In any big event or party, you're the one who keeps things going. "15 seconds to showtime!" The Muppet Personality Test

Fun times

So yesterday afternoon, Firefox refused to stay open longer than a few minutes before shutting down. At first, I paid it no mind, but then I figured, what the hey, I'll just run Spybot before I go home tonight and see what it says. This morning when I arrived, 23 windows were open and all were essentially saying the same thing: something very bad has wormed it's way onto my machine! Fun! I've spent the morning catching up on work that does not require net access as my network administrator has ordered me to unplug from the network; I'm currently typing this message in notepad which has just been copied and pasted into this entry! Hizzah! In the mean time, in-between-time, I have this moment to clean up my area, look productive and reflect on how wired we all are as a nation/continent/hemisphere/world; I know that this topic has been bandied about for a few years now, but I can't help but wonder how malleable the mind is in relation to time spent on the net. I...

In the church of Olbermann

I've said it before, I'll say it again: Olbermann is my master now. Special Comment: On waterboarding and torture Nov. 5: Keith Olbermann comments on Pres. Bush and Michael Mukasey’s response to allegations of waterboarding in the Bush administration. Why was an Acting Assistant Attorney General forced out – just because he had the guts to do what Pres. Bush couldn't?

Google SketchUp

My friend just kicked me this link; this is the way the internet should be used. Sometimes, I get the feeling that I'm right on the precipice of something huge; I can see myself talking to my grandkids (okay, I don't have kids, I don't even have a wife; but there's always hope) years from now and they'll ask " gramps , what was life like when you were a kid". And that's when I draw a deep breath, hitch up my depends, cock my head skyward, sigh and let them have it!!! Back in my day, we didn't have no fancy- dancy chips in our heads that we used to communicate w/our friends and family. We had something called a "telephone". Of course, by the time I started w/"back in my day", they'll have lost interest, popped their favorite TV show (they'll be in new and improved gel capsules-- ie , yo man, last night, I swallowed the newest episode of "Everybody Hates Chris"; that's the funniest 90 year old in pill ...

God Hand

Stayed up until 12:30 am playing God Hand ; so tonight, I think I'll be in a bed @ a reasonable time. If you like beating the tar out of baddies, fight off demons and avoid poisonous chihuahuas, than this is definitely the game for you!

like a hand in glove

Schweet ! Next to google reader , I think that Meebo is the greatest thing since sliced bread. I've been using a form of IM for roughly 7 years now and being able to access my numerous (granted, I could do w/o ICQ and MSN ; I'm just too damn lazy to cut the cord) accounts from any computer w/net access is pretty damn cool! I have to admit, I kinda like being @ the forefront of new tech stuff; the only thing I like more than that is being the motor-mouth that tells someone about new tech stuff. Recently, I showed a 14 year-old (one of our interns) meebo .com; his little eyes grew cartoonishly large and and he began to drool. Then, like a flash, he ran off to one of the spare machines in the office and got going! And now, meebo and firefox are working together?!?!? Righteous! meebo & firefox

beware the power of the dragon!

Me @ the Ren Fest; decided to get my face painted. Think I'll do it every year from here on out. S'funny. My friends dress up for the Ren Fest; I think it's silly but appropriate for that type of environment, but after ten years, the decision to get my face painted may be a sign of me giving in to "the dark side". Of course, I would never tell them this...and they don't read this blog, so I can say what I want!!! Wait, my friends don't read my blog; I was fine w/it until I actually vocalized it and put it in blog. :(

unwireless 2.0

Power just came on a few minutes ago. Up until that moment, for three hours this candle was the most entertaining thing in the house! Yeah...candle... Actually, it wasn't that bad. I had my DS, cell phone and battery powered radio to work in unison w/the candle. It did give me a chance to feel disconnected from my cable/TiVo, Netflix, PS2, CPU and CD player for a while and be alone w/my thoughts. Kind of tough, but necessary. May have to cut off the power more often Deja vu, indeed!


Overslept this morning; ran out of the house like I usually do when I'm running late, got half way to the bus stop before I realized that I left my cell phone and my MP3 player on my bed @ the house. And for a fraction of second, I felt as if I absolutely MUST turn around and get these small but powerful little trinkets that help make my life better. Without them, I'd be forced to miss a phone call, text message or alert. Without them, I'd be forced to actually engage someone in conversation or totally deprive myself of throwing up a hand to silence someone so I can finish the oh-so-important phone call that I'm on. Without them, I have to actually whistle a tune or listen to nature. Might forget 'em again tomorrow. 3D Mailbox

feets don't fail me now!

Just came back from my mother's wedding reception where I jactitated (gotta work in those vocab works) to the groovy sounds of the 70's, 80's and today; my dogs are barkin ' somethin ' fierce!!! Once the cake was cut and all of the formal dancing was out of the way, the DJ did what DJs have been doing everyday since the earlier 80's, he played "the Electric Slide" which did what it was supposed to; get folks up on the dance floor...especially me! And I shook my groove thang until the last guest left. It was the most fun I'd had in ages. I think that it should be mandatory for everyone to dance @ least once a month! ... everybody's got a little light, under the sun...

love it!

Proving once again that fact can be funnier than fiction! Okay, it's not a "fact" per se, but c'mon, there's something really robotic and icy about the dude. Like he needs the blood of the innocent to sustain his life force...and an electronic ticker...much like a certain Sith overlord who shall remain nameless! I like the pic w/him cuddling up to Sen. Reid; after the "go f*ck yourself" statement, I think "New Ticker Cheney" would love to kiss and make up w/members of the Democratic Party! New Heart Device Allows Cheney To Experience Love WASHINGTON, DC —"He broke free from the straps that secured him to the bed as he normally does after heart surgery. But then he hugged me," Cheney's cardiologist said.

new phone!

First photo on the new phone!

ambivalent about napping

So, I ran into this new site that promotes mid-day napping; dunno how I feel about that. Granted, I usually feel refreshed after a good nap...the key word here being "good". If, however the nap was less than adequate, then I'm not the most fun to be around! Okay, I know that's hard to believe, as far as my friends are concerned, I'm always hap-hap happy! Nah, I'm just good @ hiding it. I mean really, who wants to be around someone who's moody and fussy all the time. Yes, I know, Freud would have a field day w/that last statement, but statements like that are meant to humanize me.

I heart the Onion

I heart the Onion!!! Heartbroken Bush Runs After Departing Rove's Car WASHINGTON, DC—"Why can't I go with him? When is he coming back?" a tearful President Bush asked advisers as Karl Rove's sedan disappeared over the horizon.

Titans Year One

Nice rendering of the Titans!

Simpson's avatar

Coolness! Go here to make your own avatar! Simpsons Movie

NIKEiD's cool!

Awesome! Nike let's you design your own shoe!!! Yes, I'm genuinely excited. It doesn't take much. But seriously, it looks like something that would allow you to express a totally corporate kinda, sorta way... NIKEiD


A classic!!! Oprah Stuns Audience With Free Man Giveaway CHICAGO—The season premiere of The Oprah Winfrey Show unleashed a surprise for viewers Monday, when host Winfrey presented her studio audience with an unexpected gift: eligible men.


I heart the onion...again... Middle East Conflict Intensifies As Blah Blah Blah, Etc. Etc. MIDDLE EAST—The U.N. has issued a strongly worded thingy denouncing someone or something having to do with the vicious suicide whatevers that tore across some city this week.

Hey everyone, it's Uncle Fester!!!

This is my buddy Lee. Lee shaved his head to raise money to fight pediatric Cancer. A good man indeed. Be brave, go Bald!


first snow of the season!