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Showing posts from October, 2004

Punkin' Killa'!!!

The only thing good about this week is that it's over! It wasn't the worst week I'd ever had, it just dragged on and on and on w/no real ending in sight. I'm responsible for handling the bank deposits for a new organization that I work for and they are being bombarded by donations...that they need copied in triplicate...and processed into an Excel Spreadsheet. Fun times, fun times...To make matters worst, today was the day of the building-wide pumpkin contest. Our office had a pretty pumpkin. Very thick and health lookin'; really beautiful for a squash... What a shame! I only had kitchen knives to work with. In the end, our pumpkin looked like someone had given very sharp utensils to a small child. A blind small child. And after two hours of nearly cutting into my own flesh, assorted jeers and sneers from my co-workers (naturally, nary a one helped me out, the bums.) and my boss inquiring about how I would bill my time feeling a squash for the flattest a...

tempus fugit

Damn Gina! I didn't realize that two weeks had passed since my last entry. What have I been doing??? I've gotta keep the faith and be more faithful to this blog. Nothing to really write about but that's never stopped me before. I've got another speech due next Wednesday, I need to start that tomorrow or Saturday. Going away party for a friend who's moving back to Canada on Friday, Ren Fest on Sunday: This is the last weekend; after that, I'll have to wait a year for a roasted turkey leg and a steak on a stake! Homework was due today and now I have to call the folks @ school and tell them that my assignment's gonna be late. For shame. Bad form Tony, bad form. :(


Lost my driver's license. Fun, fun, fun. Then, I took time out to beat myself up; how could I've been so careless? After a few hours, I think about something else. I know it's wasted energy, but sometimes I can't help myself! And, the internal dialogue is actually internal pictures of me getting carded and leaving it somewhere; not really drunk but just inebriated enough to forget to ask for it back. How much energy is wasted on a re-enactment that may not be accurate? Got to be more careful w/my time, it's precious. Still it's hard to let it go! I can just see myself on the bus, head bowed, eyelids draped, mouth slack-jawed, internal imagery just punishing my psyche again, again, again... Sh*t I did it again... You can either visit this URL or visit it through Amazon. After you visit through Amazon, you'll get 1.57% off your purchases. It's not much, but every little bit counts.

the cult of harry potter

So my friends did a friendly thing and bought me the first four Harry Potter books for my b-day in July. I have to say that I can see the appeal; the stories are well written, the movies can't possibly compete w/JK Rowling's literary descriptions and Harry is a character that you simply must root for. Even though I've seen the first three movies, they cannot (nor can any movie) hold a candle to the books! I was miffed @ my friends after we watched the first movie; they could've told me that Harry was "the chosen one" (I hadn't read the first book yet so I had no way of knowing. Chosen one? That'll take too long, start w/Joseph Campbell...) before the movie started. I'm not an avid reader, but I'm trying to become one. Ultimately, I would like to kill a book a week; if every book were as well written as these, that would be an easy feat. I find myself zipping through the pages @ an alarming rate. I'll start on page 105, follow several passag...