The best time of the year. I LOVE transitional seasons!!! Not too cold, not too hot, just right! My favorite seasons are as follows, Spring, Fall (a VERY close second!), Summer and finally Winter. I've never been cool w/cold weather. The only time I've really enjoyed Winter is when there was too much snow on the ground and school was canceled. Never cared for snowball fights; as much fun as they were, there was always some idiot who thought it was a good idea to sneak you w/a snowball to the face when you weren't even looking. And, who needs the cold??? I mean, seriously, you've gotta put on layer after layer of things to wear! If you need to go to the store, you can't just throw on a pair of pants and a tee shirt and be on your, no, no, no, no! There must be thermal this and thermal that! In the fall, you need a coat and maybe a hat. Spring, nuthin' but clothing. Summer, you're fine! But Winter, no, you're in for something very uncomfortable. Yes, yes I know, Summer is uncomfortable also, which is why it's number three on the list. But, there are public pools. Museums. Plenty of trees to be used as shade. Plenty of water and Gatorade to drink. Bugs? I'll take bug bites over frigid fingers and toes any day of the week! Summer never stopped people from getting to work by freezing the roads. I don't know of anyone who threw their back out while racking leaves or slipped on sidewalks hot enough to fry an egg. I love Fall...but not as much as Spring. And, it actually has nuthin' to do w/the weather and everything to do w/what it represents! Fall means that Winter is right around the corner and who needs that???
Yes, my glass is half empty!
Yes, my glass is half empty!