I've been working on this project for a few days now; I have to take the names of contacts from a 24 page fax and re-type them into a word document. Fun, fun, fun. Very easy to get distracted and think about doing something else. Took me @ least two days to type it up, but now, I'm having major issues trying to mail merge it into mailing labels. Never a dull moment. So now, I'm copying the info out of a word doc. and into a spreadsheet. From there, I'll cut and paste the info into columns that will make the mail merge go easier. It seems like there's just one obstacle after another; every time I do something w/this assignment, I'm forced to change direction and try something new; it seems like if it isn't one thing, it's another. Just when I'm ready to curse out my CPU and throw it out of the nearest window, I figure out a new and faster way to get the job done. Every challenge seems to be an opportunity to overcome said challenge and come away from it stronger and better than before. Congratulations are in order, I'm better @ Microsoft Word and Excel than I was yesterday. And here I thought that my life was inane and fluffy; thank you Microsoft Suites.