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Showing posts from January, 2011

Blue Rabbit F*cking

I cannot leave this song alone!

The Platypus, my Opinions and Me 3

I wrote this in response to a friend who posted a blog entry about heroes and memes a few days ago: The answer is no, I don't play D&D. Not anymore. The reason: I did not have the attitude for it; which is more important than any other reason I can give. I believe that when pursuing anything in life, you need three things to experience every aspect of any activity you're engaged in: attributes, aptitude and attitude; I've ranked them by importance from least to most important. I believe that if you're missing just one of these A's, your experience (from raking the leaves to having sex), will be greatly hindered and/or impaired. I'll start with attributes. Attributes--I've often entertained fantasies about being everything from a rapper to a pugilist to a pro basketball player; this last example should suffice. I do NOT have the attributes to be a pro baller , barring great balance, better than average ball handling skills and the ability to shoot ...

Oh noes!!!

So, I'm having dinner with my roomies at one of our favorite Mexican restaurants when I just remembered that a few family members of Dragonmarks took a recent trip to Egypt! There was a lull in the conversation and I decided to bring up the recent unrest taking place in said African nation. Me: Hey Dragonmarks, when your parents left Egypt, was there a large, Michael Bay inspired explosion at their backs to convey how dangerous it was? Dragonmarks: (Dragonmarks turns to me with a mild glint of ire in his eyes; his wife falls silent) My parents are still there and I haven't spoken to them in 24 hours . Me: ... Shit! Oh-my-god-dude-is-everything-cool-I'm-so-sorry-Me-and-my-big-mouth-Why-am-I-so-parched-Where's-our-server-I-could-use-some-water-Fuck-it-where's-the-exit-I-should-leave! Flee!!! Update: Dragonmarks's parents are back in the states safe and sound. In other news, I'm such an idiot.

The Platypus, my Opinions and Me 2

I wrote this in response to a friend who posted a blog entry about heroes a few days ago: Too easy. Luthor. Lex Luthor. Was there ever any doubt. For over 70 years, he's successfully been a pain in not just Superman's side, but the sides of just about every major hero in the DCU. He's the number one threat to Superman; more than Brainiac, more than Darkseid, more than Doosmday. In fact, if you go down Superman's rogues gallery, he's at the top of the list. Which is really amazing considering the fact that he has NO super powers whatsoever! I would even put him higher than most of the villains in Marvel! "But surely Tony, there must be at least one villain that is greater than Lex Luthor?", you (and by you I mean, "you", my lone, loyal fan!) may be asking your computer screen. Nope. Not a one. I'll run down the big dogs: Darkseid just wants the answer to the Anti-Life Equation and ...

Fall Out Boy - Beat It (MTV Version) ft. John Mayer

Love it!!!

Stjepan Hauser and Luka Sulic - Smooth Criminal

This actually made my day!

My Blackberry Is Not Working! - The One Ronnie, Preview - BBC One

Nice! Not quite on par with "Who's On First", but it works just fine!

The Platypus, my Opinions and Me 1

So, once again, my mouth has gotten me in trouble. This all started about 2 weeks ago when my friend Platypus posted a list of nerd stuff (posted below) that she was going to answer every week. She called Spider-Man whiny , which prompted me to respond ...unkindly. I apologized to her and even though she agreed that I was a jerk, she also agreed that she didn ’t know a lot about comics and should therefore stick with the things that she did know. She also wondered if she should continue with said list. She absolutely should, regardless of my unkind comments. I was being a jerk and in situations like that, people should ignore me and do follow their heart’s desire. Furthermore, I think that I should add my two cents and answer each one of her questions each week (except for the food, I'd take all day on that list). In the hotlink "whiny" you, dear reader, can see that I answered week one. Here’s my response for week two: After thinking about it for a few hours, I ca...

Elizabeth Hughes, 8 years old, National Anthem, Norfolk Admirals Game, ...

No, those aren't tears, I've got something in my eye...

Battle: Los Angeles Trailer HD 1080p--3.11.11

I'm already there!!!

Ma'am I'm not a hero, I'm just doing my job!

I wrote this in response to a friend who posted a blog entry about heroes a few days ago: When I was a young boy, my aunt would let me and my sister go to 7-Eleven; it was one of the few areas we were allowed to go by ourselves. Generally, I was there for a Slurpee, but once a week, something magical would happen: the 7-Eleven would receive new comics!!! Oh joy! New comics! Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, the Hulk, Captain America, the X-Men and my favorite, Spider-Man. Yes, for the longest, he's been one of my favorites to read and even though I don't buy comics anymore (are you kidding me, look at the price tag?!?) I still casually read it when I'm in my favorite bookstore and occasional, I'll buy graphic novels. He's been my favorite for several main reasons: 1-He's like me. Oh sure, he was a teenager by the time I started reading but I understood what it was like to have a good day at school but a bad day at home. Or a good day at home, a ...