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Showing posts from April, 2009

Sources: Sen. Specter intends to switch parties (AP)

Whoa!     Sent to you by tony via Google Reader:     Sources: Sen. Specter intends to switch parties (AP) via Yahoo! News: Top Stories on 4/28/09 AP - Several officials say veteran Republican Sen. Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania intends to switch parties, advancing his own hopes of winning a new term next year while pushing Democrats one step closer to a 60-vote filibuster-resistant majority.     Things you can do from here: Subscribe to Yahoo! News: Top Stories using Google Reader Get started using Google Reader to easily keep up with all your favorite sites    

Pretty black and blue!

I've always liked this game but I was never able to play it. Partly because money was tight, but also because I'm complete rubbish at it! I mean, they added aerial attacks and several different fighting systems within the game. It's like a thousand and one ways to get my a$$-kicked! And for the first time, I'm going to admit to you and the other guy that reads this blog the secret of my success. I only use two buttons when I play Street Fighter; I'm average at best! Most of the time, I'd make my way toward the game (at the arcade. Sad really, now when I stop by Time Out , I can actually stand in the middle of the arcade, stretch my arms out like an eagle and spin in a circle, touching nary a nerd, geek or spazz), meet the throngs of onlookers that are in front of me and behind the two players duking it out, peak through the gaps of the audience members and drool at the gameplay. Aesthetically speaking, it's always been a pretty game and I'm a huge ...

Swine Flu Outbreak Sweeps Through Mexico

Oh fun.     Sent to you by tony via Google Reader:     Swine Flu Outbreak Sweeps Through Mexico via NPR Topics: World on 4/25/09 A new strain of swine flu has killed at least 60 people and left more than a thousand others sick in Mexico. The World Health Organization says the virus appears to spread from human to human, and the head of the organization broke off a trip to the U.S. to deal with the crisis. » E-Mail This      » Add to     Things you can do from here: Subscribe to NPR Topics: World using Google Reader Get started using Google Reader to easily keep up with all your favorite sites    

Inclement Weather in DC

I love inclement weather in D.C.. Nothing and I mean nothing in this world makes my heart swell like major traffic jams in several parts of the area that make my 45 minute commute an 80 minute commute; not the image of an eagle in flight, children of different nationalities playing together or the swell of a woman's...curves...I love the sound of horns blaring too, there's no sweeter sound; not the sound of chirping birds, children's laughter or a woman in the throes of passion. No sir, I've gotta have the sights and sounds of consternation and frustration! Even better, I love the way other drivers not only become invalid drivers but IMPATIENT, invalid drivers. All forms of courtesy (traffic-wise) go out the window. Anything goes now. You will be cut off, you will get a horn and an obscene gesture and then the owner of the horn and the gesture will peel away loudly letting you know in no uncertain terms just how they feel about you. Especially if you're an oc...