Hero! Sent to you by tony via Google Reader: 5-Year-Old Girl Raises Hundreds For Charity By Selling Lemonade In Front Of Westboro Baptist Church via BuzzFeed - Latest on 6/17/13 A glass of lemonade on a hot day is a very powerful political tool. Five-year-old Jayden Sink is the daughter of Jon Sink, the founder of FRESHCASSETTE , an organization that combines art and music with philanthropy. Source: freshcassette.com Jayden set-up her stand in front of the Equality House, the rainbow-painted house that was set-up across the street from The Westboro Baptist headquarters in March. Source: facebook.com Jayden, a 5 1/2 year old beautiful girl, will be selling lemonade on the front lawn of the Equality House with an ole' fashioned lemonade stand. 100% of proceeds from the sales will go directly towards the work of Planting Peace. Let's show Jayden how powerful philanthropy can be! Come on your lunch break, bring your kids, and have a good tim...