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Showing posts from June, 2011

Exactly! Thanks Tosh.0!

FIRST LOOK! Batman: Arkham City's ROBIN!

Righteous!     Sent to you by tony via Google Reader:     FIRST LOOK! Batman: Arkham City's ROBIN! via Forces of Geek: Celebrate Your Pop Culture Obsessions! by (Stefan Blitz) on 6/21/11 The sequel to Batman: Arkham Asylum is coming in October. Batman: Arkham City builds upon the intense, atmospheric foundation of Batman: Arkham Asylum , sending players soaring into Arkham City, the new maximum security home for all of Gotham City's thugs, gangsters and insane criminal masterminds. Set inside the heavily fortified walls of a sprawling district in the heart of Gotham City, this highly anticipated sequel introduces a brand-new story that draws together a new all-star cast of classic characters and murderous villains from the Batman universe, as well as a vast range of new and enhanced gameplay features to deliver the ultimate experience as the Dark Knight. And if you pre-order the game from Best Buy on Xbox 3...

E3 Replay: Street Fighter X Tekken

    Sent to you by tony via Google Reader:     E3 Replay: Street Fighter X Tekken via PlayStation Blog by Shawn Baxter on 6/16/11 Street Fighter X Tekken (by the way, the "X" is pronounced "cross") might just have been the busiest game of Capcom's E3 booth. Street Fighter X Tekken has a little something for Street Fighter and Tekken fans alike. Our E3 build had playable characters including Ryu, Ken, Guile, Abel, Sagat, Cammy, and Chun-Li from Street Fighter as well as Kazuya, Nina, King, Marduk, Hwoarang, Julia and Bob from Tekken (with plenty more to be revealed soon!). Capcom's own Wes Phillips swung by to do a live demo at PlayStation's E3 livestream. Wes also discusses special guest Cole from i nFAMOUS , our exclusive bonuses for the PS3 and PS Vita versions of Street Fighter X Tekken! During E3, top fighting pros and newcomers alike stormed our E3 booth for hours of furious fights, leading to tons of feedback. It's a bla...

Exclusive New Images from VOLTRON FORCE

Dig it!     Sent to you by tony via Google Reader:     Exclusive New Images from VOLTRON FORCE via Viva La Geek by Venkman on 6/17/11 As many of might already know the new animated Voltron Force series premieres tonight on Nicktoons at 8:30 PM EST / 7:30 CST . I grew up on Voltron and I'm a big fan of the original series, so I'll definitely be sitting down with my kids to watch the show. We were sent a couple of exclusive images from the new series that I thought you might want to check out. The designs of the lions are definitely cool looking. The animated series will be a mixture of both CG and traditional animation. Here's a previously released sneak peek for you to check out if you haven't seen it yet. This give you a brief full look at Voltron in action. Check it out and let us know what you think! Will you be tuning in tonight to watch the series? Synopsis: The new animated series based on the classic Voltron: Defender of the Universe televisi...

Video: Love song from space

Cool.     Sent to you by tony via Google Reader:     Video: Love song from space via The Rachel Maddow Show on 6/6/11 Rachel Maddow shares video of astronaut Mark Kelly delivering a message to his wife from space to introduce a song at a U2 concert. (The Rachel Maddow Show)     Things you can do from here: Subscribe to The Rachel Maddow Show using Google Reader Get started using Google Reader to easily keep up with all your favorite sites    

I heart new Tomb Raider

Only in Florida!

Friday Is National Donut Day

IMMD!     Sent to you by tony via Google Reader:     Friday Is National Donut Day via Hybla Valley Patch: Latest Articles by Mary Ann Barton on 6/2/11 Lek Falke is behind the counter at the Krispy Kreme off of Route 1 in Alexandria, ringing up a cup of coffee and a donut (a hot-off-the presses Original Glazed, their most popular) for one of her regular customers. It's a quiet day, with just a few customers coming and going. She knows that on Friday, it might not be so quiet. What's Friday? National Donut Day. It has its roots in the trenches of World War I, when war-weary soldiers would take a break by stopping by a "hut" a makeshift coffee shop, where "lassies" doled out coffee and donuts. In 1938, the Salvation Army in Chicago wanted to recognize those women's efforts and started National Donut Day, which falls on the first Friday in June each year. Nowadays, National Donut Day efforts in some cities include fundraisers associated with th...