Sent to you by tony via Google Reader: Metareview: inFamous (PS3) via Joystiq [PlayStation] by Justin McElroy on 5/27/09 We're not going to say inFamous ' quality is a big surprise (this is Sucker Punch after all) but it's nice to see someone getting the superhero genre so right . Everyone ( including us ) has been piling the love on it, and we've taken the liberty of providing with just a slice of the love fest below: 1UP (A-) : "It's how InFamous blends all of this -- the platforming, the combat, the powers, the missions, and the Karma -- that makes it an eminently playable and enjoyable experience for me. It's why I've been staying up so late for the past few days." D+PAD (4.5/5) : "Yet remarkably, inFamous - as a whole - feels entirely unique. It's perhaps largely due to Sucker Punch's ability in creating an outstanding animation system that subtly adapts to the environment, but also because of the g...