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Showing posts from March, 2009

My Name is...mud if I don't get my sh*t together!

You ever have one of those days where a song gets stuck in your head and you can't shake it no matter how hard you try? Happens to me two or three times a day; I'll get the song in my head and it will loop end to end in my mind until I'm interrupted by something that requires more brain power or another song replaces. Generally, if the song is too annoying, I'll throw another song in the mix to replace said annoying one (generally, "Everyday" by Buddy Holly does the trick). For sure, this is only done for the annoying ones like "Lollipop" by Ronald and Ruby--dammit!!! Now queuing "Everyday" This morning, a piece of a song dropped into my head: "I told her I'd grow up to be a famous rapper Make a record about doin' drugs and name it after her" Of course, that is a line from Eminem's "My Name Is" . I didn't really mind it being in my head; I went ahead with my morning routine of getting ready for work ...

Sex Shop Rocks Old Town Alexandria - ABC News

Wow, really?     Sent to you by tony via Google Reader:     Sex Shop Rocks Old Town Alexandria - ABC News via alexandria va - Google News on 3/29/09 Sex Shop Rocks Old Town Alexandria ABC News By DAVID WRIGHT and JENNA MUCHA With its cobblestone streets and row houses, Old Town Alexandria , Va ., is known for quaint colonial charm. Known for quaint colonial charm, historic Alexandria , Va . now has a sex shop. The newest boutique on King Street, ...     Things you can do from here: Subscribe to alexandria va - Google News using Google Reader Get started using Google Reader to easily keep up with all your favorite sites    

Chemistry exam answers

My new favorite site!     Sent to you by tony via Google Reader:     Chemistry exam answers via Funny exam answers by chewyshoe on 6/15/08 Another great guest submission, keep sending them in guys!     Things you can do from here: Subscribe to Funny exam answers using Google Reader Get started using Google Reader to easily keep up with all your favorite sites    

Dilbert - 25 March 2009

LOL! I always thought the word "fiduciary" was suspect at best.     Sent to you by tony via Google Reader:     Dilbert - 25 March 2009 via Darkgate Comic Slurper by Scott Adams on 3/25/09     Things you can do from here: Subscribe to Darkgate Comic Slurper using Google Reader Get started using Google Reader to easily keep up with all your favorite sites    

Damn you, PSN!

Damnit, Playstation Network, you've gone too far this time! I'm only a man! Why? Why would you hook up with NBC Universal? Why would you allow me to download shows the day after they premier on national television? Why would you then give me the ability to put these shows on my PSP, thus allowing me to watch my favorite shows on the bus, thus alleviating that boring lag time on the bus that happens on the bus in the morning and in the afternoon when all of my conversational buddies get off the bus, thus putting a strain the amount of books I need to read in life, thus alleviating the girth of shows I have on my TiVo, thus alleviating the girth of shows and movies on my Netflix account and thus and thus and thus...? Seriously, what's up with these folks? Seriously? ?

Where are the trophies?

Finally finished "Heavenly Sword"; now I can get to "LittleBigPlanet"!!! But before I do, I few words not so much about "Heavenly Sword" but about PS3 trophies in general...or the lack there of. My friend Andy has an Xbox 360. I don't mind it although the humming ticks me off sometimes. I'm used to a PS3 controller, I like "LittleBigPlanet" and I'm soooo looking forward to "God of War 3"; these are several reasons why I prefer my PS3 over a 360. But, if there's one thing that the folks at Sony must change is the amount of games that have trophies; they must add more! I just bought a used copy of "Assassin's Creed" for the PS3. I enjoyed the game play on the 360. I was very impressed by the graphics and the ability sneak up on baddies an execute them. Beautiful. So, imagine my surprise when I crack it open, pop it in and find out that there's no trophies. None. I loved the achievements on the 360...

15 Simple Changes That Will Quickly Improve Your Health

    Sent to you by tony via Google Reader:     15 Simple Changes That Will Quickly Improve Your Health via Dumb Little Man - Tips for Life by Ali on 3/5/09 Did you start January full of health resolutions, determined that this would be the year that you ate better, lost weight and exercised regularly? If you're back to your usual habits – skipping breakfast, grabbing chocolate to get you through that afternoon slump , neglecting your fruit and veggie intake and chugging down mug after mug of coffee – don't feel guilty about it. Your problem isn't that you lack willpower – it's that you tried to change too much at once. Instead, try making some of these very easy changes to your eating, drinking and exercising habits . Once you've got used to a few of them, add in more. You'll be making huge strides towards your health goals, with hardly any conscious effort. Sound good? Read on... Easy Changes to Your Eating Habits Eat a piece of fruit before lunch G...


So, the snow fell from the sky yesterday and I was bunned up under my covers contemplating the decision of the Federal Gov't; if they don't work, we don't work. And wouldn't you know it, 2 hour delay! They're beautiful human beings. However, one can't help but think that maybe the words of our current POTUS may've had something to do with that. S'all good! Even though I still had to come to work, I was not alone; there were hundreds of other folks riding the trains with me. Including, the lady that sat next to me and talked to her imaginary friend for 30+ minutes while we waited for a train. I seriously waited for her to stop talking but to no avail. I tried to turn up my Zune, but that was also a no-go. Finally, I just gave in to her insane rantings and let her sometimes barely audible rantings envelope me like a warm, crazy blanket. I love snow days.

Beetle Bailey - 3 March 2009

Sent to you by tony via Google Reader: Beetle Bailey - 3 March 2009 via Darkgate Comic Slurper by Mort Walker on 3/3/09 Things you can do from here: Subscribe to Darkgate Comic Slurper using Google Reader Get started using Google Reader to easily keep up with all your favorite sites

Broadcasting pioneer Paul Harvey dies at age of 90

Sad.     Sent to you by tony via Google Reader:     Broadcasting pioneer Paul Harvey dies at age of 90 (AP) via Yahoo! News: Top Stories on 3/1/09 AP - Paul Harvey, the news commentator and talk-radio pioneer whose staccato style made him one of the nation's most familiar voices, died Saturday in Arizona, according to ABC Radio Networks. He was 90.     Things you can do from here: Subscribe to Yahoo! News: Top Stories using Google Reader Get started using Google Reader to easily keep up with all your favorite sites