See the woman in the previous entry? I inspired her to start blogging. I know, I know, how the hell did manage to inspire someone to do, well, anything? I can barely inspire myself to roll out of bed every morning. Well apparently, this is the one time that my logorrhea may have actually worked for me instead against me. I was telling one of my new co-workers that I could actually take a pic with my phone and post it to my blog instantly. "You can do that?" asked my co-worker, Petra. Sure. Too easy. I took one of my old photos from my phone's library and sent it to my blog. Then I gave them my address and told them to check it out when they were done with lunch. It was during this time that talk of hot cocoa and the Keurig came up (it's actually quite boring, so I'll skip it. Just know that no matter what Petra posts in her blog , she broke the Keurig...I mean, you can even see the cup of cocoa in her photo. Some people!) and when she was making a stat...