Yesterday afternoon, I ducked into a deli right in front of my bus stop to relieve myself, when I came out, all of the folks that were waiting for the bus were gone. Any sensible human being would go to the train station a mere 1 1/2 blocks from the stop. Any sensible person would do that. I live light years from sensible; I hauled ass for the bus! Why? Good question, I wish the answer was. Maybe it was pride. I mean, I couldn't let the bus get away w/it, I mean really, it's an inanimate object composed of, well, smaller inanimate objects. Couldn't let the bus make a fool of me. Maybe I simply couldn't let the bus win. Yeah, real deep Tony. Maybe I couldn't let all of the passengers on my bus make fun of me while I wasn't there...'cause I'm certain that they don't say anything about me when I'm out of earshot. Right. Maybe, I like the bus sooooo much that I'm willing to make a blathering (I say blathering because that's what ...